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Acinetobacter baumanii

I have been informed from my CF center via the telephone, to have the above mentioned germ. It would be well treatable with Cotrimoxazole respectively with Colistin per inhalation. As I have no other symptoms except my chronic inflammation of the sinuses, that is always severe in this time of the year, I ask myself, if this is really sensible. The result came about 3 weeks ago.
I have been told, that I do not have to do any additional hygiene standards here at home, either, e.g. physiotherapy etc.
I am 52 years old, have otherwise often the finding of Staphylococcus, several times also the Stenotrophomonas and 2 years ago also the MRSA, and because of this I had to return early from the rehabilitation.
The above germ is new for me and if I seach in google, it does not sound too good to me.
I am curious about your advice.
Many thanks
Dear questioner,
supported by our experienced microbiologist Dr. Michael Hoghardt, I would like to answer your question as follows. Acinetobacter baumanii (ACBA) is a humid germ with a high environmental resistance and easy transmission to vulnerable patients (patients on intensive-care units, ventilated patients, patients after lung transplantation and other immuno-suppressed patients).
For the hygiene measures, it is important to know the MRGN-status, it should not be a 4MRGN or 3MRGN (MRGN = multiresistant gramnegative germs, new nomenclature of mutiresistant gramnegative germs). In case of CF patients, ACBA is not unambiguously "classified" as pathogen (responsible to cause illness). In this context, we would not treat a clinically asymptomatic CF patient with ACBA finding and would wait at first.
I hope to have helped with my remarks and stay with my best regards,
Dr. med. Christina Smaczny