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Request: IV worsening of the saturation

Many thanks, Dr. Fischer, this would be on the other hand quite good! I have forgotten something...after the iv therapy (2x3 millions colistin and 3x4g tazobactam/piperacillin) I have problems with glaring light...supermarkets or strong sunlight are hardly bearable and I have problems with large crowds of people....can hardly concentrate on one...especially acustically..everything is too much for me...this lasts at least 2 weeks after the i.v....did you ever hear of such a thing? Can it also happen, that it will one day not be reversible anymore? Best regards and thank you!
This is the first time I hear about such a side effect. I would suspect, that it comes from the colistin, that can indeed cause neurological side effects, in the instruction leaflet visual impairment is also described. As otherwise all other side effects of colistin are spontaneouly reversible, I would not assume that it is going to be worse in the course of time but only occurs after every iv.

Best regards,
Rainald Fischer
10.1.15 See the former question under:

D. d'Alquen