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Peg pain

I’ve been feeling pain around my button for some time. What can I do about it?

you write about pain occurring around your button. There are a number of reasons for that kind of pain. In order to give you specific advice, one would need to know whether you feel the pain directly under the skin or whether it is localized in the deeper sections of the abdominal wall. Superficial pain is usually felt when the skin surrounding the button is inflamed. This can be caused by mycosis or germs, but also by a leakage of acidic gastric juice next to the button. If the button is too short, this can lead to pressure problems. Pain felt in deeper layers can be caused either by a possible abscess or, in case of gastritis, due to pressure in the holding balloon if the button is too short.

You should discuss this problem with your CF doctor and consult a gastroenterologist if needed in order to decide which (possibly even more invasive) diagnostic investigation should be carried out.

Kind regards,

Dr. H.-G. Posselt