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Test for CF

I have a rather simple question, does every child, who is undergoing a sweat test, suffer from CF?
We had two IRT tests that were not in the normal range and now we have to undergo a sweat test. Is there any hope, that we are not having CF?
Thank you and best regards,
no! a sweat test is the most important diagnostic tool, in order to confirm or to exclude the diagnosis of CF.
If the IRT test is borderline, the sweat test can help well to confirm or to exclude the diagnosis of CF. Probably further steps will be necessary as well. This has then to be discussed with the CF Center. Only if the diagnostics have been finished, a statement on the diagnosis of CF can be made. As long as this takes, one can hope, that there is no CF underlying. A result should be there very quickly, in general.

Best regards,
Dr. H.-E. Heuer