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Question about finger clubbing

I am 22 years old and recently my doctor noticed that I have finger clubbing (I never suffered from serious respiratory infections, nor do I have an important medical history). I did blood and urine tests, a chest CT, a spirometry, a thyroid check, heart and abdominal echo, and an ECG, without any pathological results.
My doctor concluded that it is a case of idiopathic finger clubbing.
During the investigation I consulted a pneumonologist, who did not rule out the possibility of CF (although he thinks it is very unlikely).
The only symptom I can report is that I have many secretions, without coughing. I have stopped smoking since two weeks ago.
Should I get tested for CF?
You are 22 years old and present finger clubbing without any particular problem from the respiratory system.
Finger clubbing does not only result from a chronic pulmonorary disease (such as Cystic Fibrosis), but also from liver disease, heart disease, inflammatory intestinal disease, or it could be an idiopathic and hereditary finger clubbing. In the last case, your parents should present finger clubbing as well (Spickmall, Zirwas & English 2005, Am Acad Dermatol 52;6:1120-8).
Regarding what the pneumonologist said, if it was a case of CF with finger clubbing, then you would have presented other symptoms as well. Since you have not, it is not likely to be a case of CF.
However, in order to relieve you from any doubt, you are welcome to set an appointment for a sweat test at our CF centre at “Agia Sofia” Children’s Hospital. We could check your finger clubbing as well.
Since you are 22 years old and without any symptoms, I do not worry about you.
Yours friendly, Dr. Stavros Doudounakis