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Acinetobacter calceticus baumannii Complex


Is there a need/obligation for treatment if very low occurrence of the above mentioned bacterium was tested? Are there certain precautions that have to be taken respective other CF persons or physiotherapists?
The symptom is mild cough. Inhalation with Tobramycin is done. Is that enough or should an IV be made to maintain the current good state of health?
Many thanks.


A one-time detection of Acinetobacter calceticus baumannii complex does not automatically mean that a treatment is necessary. Bacteria of the species Acinetobacter spp. are ubiquitously spread, especially in moist surroundings and can be of importance as pathogens of nosocomial infections. Acinetobacter spp. colonize the respiratory tract of CF patients sporadically and may probably – especially if lung function is damaged severely and after lung transplantation – worsen the clinical situation of the patient. In your case a microbiological control examination of sputum should be done. Besides the general correct hygiene behavior there is no special hygiene behavior necessary in relation to this bacterium. The therapy treatment depends on the occurrence of new symptoms and on the result of the microbiological control examination.

Best regards,
Jörg Steinmann
Here comes some additional information about this germ:
Several species are included in the term "Acinetobacter calcoaceticus baumannii complex": A. baumannii, A. calcoaceticus, A. pitii as well as A. nosocomialis. Normally the microbiological laboratory does the specification down to the single species. We are implementing hygienic measures in accordance to the sensitivity testing, thus we isolate only in case of 3 or 4 MRGN and only in case of the species A. baumannii. It is a multiresistant gram negative germ. It is known, that A. baumannii has an increased envirnomental resistance and can have an increased virulence under certain circumstances.
Best regards,
Dr. J. Steinmann