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lung and liver transplantation for cystic fibrosis

I have been lung and liver transplanted in 2009 for cystic fibrosis. I want to know what is bronchitis and bronchiolitis. Is is serious to have pus in lung which is removed by bronchoscopy?
What’s happening if there is rejection?
Thank you for your answer.

Infectious bronchitis is a frequent complication for lung transplanted patients. It’s not rare to have pus in lung during bronchoscopy and to have to take antibiotics. Sometimes oral antibiotics are possible, sometimes intravenous antibiotics are required if pseudomonas aeruginosa is isolated, for example.

About bronchiolitis, there are several causes. It might be an infectious cause or sometimes, it might be a form of rejection which is called chronic lung allograft dysfunction.
I advise you to directly discuss with your doctor to obtain a precise answer about potential rejection in your case.

Sincerely yours
Dr Isabelle Danner-Boucher