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Normal sweat test

I gave birth to twins, one of which was tested for CF with doubtful results. Afterwards we did a sweat test with normal result (32). The doctor advised us to repeat the sweat test before the age of six months.
In the amniocentesis I did everything was normal.
My husband was tested before we did the IVF with negative results.
The baby grows normally, weighs already 8 kgrs and looks very healthy?
Is there any reason to worry?
Dear friend,

Before I can answer to your question there are some points that need to be clarified -
How many CF mutations was your husband tested for? Were you tested specifically for CF mutations during the amniocentesis?
What test exactly was done at the maternity ward, what were the results and what was the age of the infant at the day of the test? When was the sweat test performed and with which methodology?
Yours friendly,
Dr. Stavros Doudounakis