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Kalydeco off label

my daughter has the mutations delF508 and D1152H. How great is the chance to get Kalydeco off-label? There are obviously in-vitro studies that show, that the CFTR channel is functioning nearly completely in case of intake? There is already a study from Denver about this? In the USA human beings with these mutations profit already from Kalydeco.
Many thanks for your efforts.

it is correct, that patients with the mutation D115H are already treated with Ivacaftor. These patients receive the medication in the frame of an on-going study, that has alreay been performed and is named "N-of-One". In case of These "N-of-One studies", patients with rare mutations have been included, as one has to judge the individual benefit in case of respective low patient numbers. In the frame of such a study, patients older than 12 years with the mutation D115H have been included.
Please ask your center about a probable "compassionate use" program. It would be helpful for the arguing to have a short description of your daughter (age, FEV1, status of germs, etc.).

Best regards,
Olaf Eickmeier