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Germs in the pool


I would like to put a pool in the yard for our child with CF. What should I pay attention to in order to limit the risk of colonization with Pseudomonas or other germs?

Should the pool have a certain size? Does chlorine kill these germs? If yes, which concentration is needed?

It is obviously not possible to fill a bigger pool with fresh water each day!
Thank you for answering.


In principle it can be expected that a swimming pool can be a reservoir for microorganisms and water bugs like Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The bacterial load depends on various factors like number of people in the pool, amount of water, temperature of the water, quality and bacterial load of the filter system. There is no concrete data how high the transmission risk or infection risk in swimming pools is. Bacteria can be absorbed by the skin, by swallowing or inhalation.
If the water in the pool is chlorinated correctly, the pathogens – also pseudomonads – are killed. According to the literature the concentration of chloride in the bathing water should never be less than 0,4mg/l.
Generally, it is also recommended to take a short shower before going into the pool so that less pathogens are taken into the bathing water.

Best regards,
Jörg Steinmann