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Magic sand

Friends offered to our 4-year-old son a game called "Magic sand".
It is a dry powder which we put in a bowl filled with water and which is sculpted in the water, like modelling clay.
Once finished, we remove the sand of the water and we put back it in a bottle:then it's completely dry.
Does it represent a danger for our CF son?
Does he have to avoid playing it or do we have to take more precautions to wash his hands after the game and to prevent him from drinking the water?

Thank you
I do not know exactly this game but it seems to me that you apply best practices:
- Wash of hands after the activity
- Do not drink the water used with the sand
As the sand is dry after use, there is no risk for bacterial development.
Long live the creative and artistic activities !
Very cordially
Yann Kerneur