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Is it true that it is better to let run the water for a moment in the basin in the mornings in order to flush through the bacteria in the sink?
Thank you for your advice on this.
Dear questioner,

Bacteria and especially Pseudomonas are not often found in drinking water, and if it is present, then it is in very low concentrations (ref .: scientific article by Allen and Geldreich, 1975). If Pseudomonas is found in drinking water, it is more probably because of the formation of biofilms (encapsulated colonies of bacteria) in the connecting pieces (tap, shower head, etc.) Bacteria usually like to stick in the pipes where there is limescale. The best preventive measure is to prevent the formation of limescale.

There is a controversy whether letting run the water out the pipes is useful. The next question is then: how long should the water run ... There are no specific guidelines about this matter and there is no real 'proof' that it helps. A hygiene expert (Prof. Gerd Dohring) stated the following: it is the goal to flush away out of the pipes the stagnant water and the bacteria that stick to the wall. This can be done with cold or warm water. Hot water has the additional advantage that bacteria are also destroyed. Letting the water run for 1 minute must be sufficient.
The main question is of course whether this will prevent you from having Pseudomonas infections. Pseudomonas is widespread present in our environment and association between exposure/prevention and Pseudomonas infections in patients with CF has not been demonstrated. The most important thing for patients with CF is to accurately perform all their therapies and for the doctor to take sufficient respiratory samples so that Pseudomonas infections are treated as soon as they are identified. Also strict (hand)hygiene and correct maintenance of the aerosol devices is important along with avoiding contact with CF patients especially those who have a chronic infection with Pseudomonas.
Prof. K de Boeck