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Aspergillus and Sporanox®

My daughter had Sporanox® (itraconazole) for 1 year to treat the presence of Aspergillus (blood). The last two months, she showed allergic reactions to this treatment (swelling of the face, loss of hair) that required treatment discontinuation. Last mycology sputum identified the presence of aspergillus and incidental manifestations reappear again: tingling of the bronchi, wheezing, bonchospasms .... There is a priori no substitute for Sporanox®. Have you alternatives to offer and / or suggestions? With many thanks.

The Respiratory symptoms that your daughter presents are suggestive of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. This disease affects an average of 1/10 patients according to the latest data from the French registry of cystic fibrosis. The diagnosis is based on a body of clinical and biological arguments that the doctor will check or probably already checked. If this diagnosis is confirmed, first line, a corticosteroid therapy is indicated, oral or sometimes intravenously. The use of an anti-Aspergillus treatment (called antifungal) is not systematic, but if necessary, other antifungals are available.

Best regards,
Pr P. Reix