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Another question on best care possible

I thank you very much for your answer, Dr. Eickmeier. In the meantime I came again to my mind, how one could protect the lung. It is an amiloride solution. I read somewhere about it and that one has to use it within the fist 24 hours of life. Did you ever hear about this? Otherwise we are prepared well for the case of the cases. Thank you.
amiloride is a short-acting blocker of sodium channels. Effectiveness in CF patients could not have been shown unambigously. It is totally correct, that there is already shortly before birth an increased production of amiloride sensitive sodium channels. Therefore it is in theory for sure a promising option, as one could achieve via blockage of the hyperactive sodium channels a rehydration of the airways. A therapy with amiloride has however in studies not been so successful, that one could give a recommendation.
Best regards,
Olaf Eickmeier