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Physiotherapy and hygienic recommendations at school
- Question
- Hello,
The chest physiotherapy will take place sometimes at school.
Can you tell us the hygienic recommendations for a good chest physiotherapy?
What kind of room is needed? Class room, meeting room...
What recommendations are there for aeration or cleaning?
Thank you
Best regards
- Answer
- Hello,
There are no specific recommandations, only common sense, especially if your daughter is the only one with CF at school. The same advices pertain as for the physiotherapist's office.
Your daughter and the physiotherapist should be able to wash their hands and to throw the sputum away after the chest physiotherapy.
The physiothrapist should wear a mask.
It's better if the room is clean and can be aerated after.
Best regards
Charlotte Lacarriere - 11.01.2016