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Dear expert team,
I have a question on the topic "antibodies"!
I read from former answers on the topic that if one cannot find antibodies against certain germs (e.g. Pseudomonas) respectively one cannot find any germs either, one can suppose a successful eradication.
However my CF center has always told me, that if a colonization, no matter if with Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus aureus, Aspergillus etc., took place and antibodies have been produced, they could always be detected.
The version, that only if the antibodies are negative again, one can assume a successful eradication, is new to me.
Please help clarifying this!
Many thanks,
the significance of the antibody test depends on different factors and is indeed discussed controversially.
The investigations done so far point at the circumstance, that if the respective antibodies are positive, one can assume with a high grade of security that there is a colonization with Pseudomonas (antibody test positive).
A colonization with Pseudomonas is rather improbable, if no antibodies can be detected (antibody test negative). The significance of a negative antibody test seems to be better at younger age. Investigations also show, that a majority of those patients, in whom with the common investigations no Pseudomonas can be found anymore, the antibodies cannot be detected either anymore in the course of time.

Best regards,
Dr. Christian Hügel