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Dental implants or dental bridges
- Question
- Dear expert team,
I am a CF patient, 50 years old, with normal lung function (FEV1 about 80%), with Pseudomonas and normal weight and have a diabetes for 15 years.
Should I rather decide for an dental implant or dental bridge regarding diabetes and CF?
Many thanks for your help and a happy new year,
F. - Answer
- Dear F.,
In case of weighing an implant against a bridge for replacement of one or two teeth (so-called edentulous space), there are different points that have to be taken into account, independently of your CF:
implants have the great advantage, that the teeth neighboring the space, do not have to be prepared (abraded), what would be the case if they were used as bridge piers. In case those neighboring teeth had already large fillings or even dental crowns, the usage of implants have only few advantage. In general, the treatment with usage of implants is more time intensive, as those have to heal first; also the costs are rather higher, than in case of conventional bridges. The success of an implantation is also dependent of the availability of enough jaw bone: this is oftern the case for the underjaw (mandible), however more rarely the case for the upper jaw (maxilla). An untreated parodontitis and a bad oral hygiene is a risk factor for implants; furthermore smoking and a (not-well adjusted) diabetes are risk factors for healing.
Best regards,
Michael Sies - 09.02.2016