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Healing of genetic disorders?

The university of Dresden (Germany) together with the Heinrich-Pette institute in Hamburg, Germany, developed a method, that can liberate the HIV code from the human genetic material. It is reported, that with that there is a chance, to heal genetic diseases, as with this method one could influence the human genetic material.
Would such a method be possibly able to heal also the illness of CF?
in the publication of the involved scientists in the journal "Nature Biotechnology" it says that with the described method in case of a viral infection with HIV the HIV provirus can be recognized in the genetic material of the host cell and can be removed. Therefore the method could have the potential of a healing HIV therapy (Karpinski et al.; 2014).
In contrast, the methods for the illness of CF are about "incorporating healthy genetic material" into the cells. Therefore I think, that the methods can not be directly transferred.
Best regards,
Dr. Christian Hügel