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Yesterday my 7 year old son had the annual check at the CF Centre. ERS, ultrasound was normal. We still waiting for culture result and some biological sample. We also met an ENT specialist who told us that the hearing test (audiogram) is pathological because of fluid accumulation in the middle ear and mentioned an operation for adenoid tonsil; we should meet him in 3 weeks. The boy had the same problem 2 years ago, he had some chamomile inhalation and everything was O.K. We mentioned to the ENT specialist, but he did not give us a clear answer. I would like to know if this is typical for CF and what can we do to avoid operation.
Dear madam / sir,
Accumulation of fluid behind the eardrum membrane is a common problem in childhood. Under all existing studies, the problem does not occur more frequently in CF children than in general population. The accumulation of fluid is caused by inflammation of anatomic conduct (called Eustache's duct), which connect ear and pharynx (the throat). For this problem your son should be control by an ENT specialist (1 - 3 months, the period is establish by the doctor), because very often, the fluid disappears without treatment. If complications occur in the meantime (e.g., Otitis medium or delays in the development of speech) or if the fluid persists, an incision in the eardrum membrane could be done (paracentesis). If this problem is repeated, must be taken into account the possibility of placing a tube in the eardrum membrane or eradicate basic problems, for example adenoidectomy (surgical removal of adenoid tonsillectomy). There is no evidence in the literature regarding the effectiveness of camomile inhalation. Therefore, we do not recommend such treatment of our patients, especially because we can not exclude the possibility of allergic reactions. We think that only your doctor can recommend the treatment, like nose drops (no spray; concentrations only prescribed by a doctor), to restore communication between the middle ear and throat, so that fluid can be removed. Also the ENT doctor (who consult your boy) could inform you about avoiding operation.
Yours sincerely, Prof. I. Popa
We will leave the Q/A for informational purpose in the Archive, no quality judgement as this was a sample Q/A from the German system
D. d'Alquen