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CF even without cough?

I am female, 27 years old, I have problems with breathing since childhood and physical exhaustion, infections. For about one year, I have food intolerances, for 5 months I am short of breath, I am vomiting viscous mucus, have mucous stools, GI-problems (even for a longer time), suddenly gall-stones/operation, salivary stones, kidney problems, thick blood. Is that a hint for CF even without cough?
Dear questioner,
you ask, if CF can also manifest without cough. The question can be answered with "yes", if the illness has a mild pulmonary course. In case CF is suspected, a sweat test should be done at a certified Center and probably a genetic investigation should be done. If the mentioned symptoms are enough for the suspicion of CF, cannot be answered via the Internet without knowing you in person. Please talk to the physician you trust and decide together, if the mentioned diagnostic is necessary in your case.
I hope to have helped you with my answer and stay with my best regards,
Yours Dr. med. Christina Smaczny