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Sputum result, additional question

Thank you first of all for answering my question. Unfortunately the second and third part has not been answered. What does it mean if Penecillium sp. could be found in the sputum, however no finding of fungi is documented? Is my body now producing penicillium?
Dear questioner,
please excuse the unprecise answer. Addendum: Penicillium sp. is a fungus (mould fungus). The comment that no fungi could be found is most probably only a small mistake, that could happen easily in the microbiological every day life. Often, there is no finding of a fungus at the first judgement. Especially mould fungi, like Penicillium spp., are often only found later due to the slow growth and only after longer cultivation periods. One can assume that probably at the moment Penicillium spp. was found, it was forgotten to clear the comment “no finding of fungi”. The sometimes found Penicillium ssp. in CF patients can be judged as being apathogen (not dangerous).
Best regards,
Michael Hogardt