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Pseudomonas aeruginosa and sterilization of the nebulizer

We are parents who want to know when to sterilize nebulizers ?
Just before the use? Or after using and letting dry on a paper towel without active drying, in a dry and clean box?
Is pseudomonas transmitted via the air?
When is the best time to sterilize? Before or after using?
Thank you for your answers on this point of hygiene.
Few answers for your questions.
You have to clean the nebulizer quickly after using to prevent bacteriological proliferation.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa can colonize via direct contact or via indirect contact or via droplets (expectoration). It does not survive for a long time in the air and in dry atmosphere.

After using, the nebulizer must be cleaned manually or by washing machine, rinsed then disinfected:
• milton ® or chlorine
• bactined or other disinfectant validated for a medical device
• boiling water during at least 5 minutes
• by steam disinfection

It’s better to leave the nebulizer wet after disinfection and let it dry passively than to manipulate them by active drying, which seems to be a source of recontamination.

Yann Kerneur