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To clarify or not

Our daughter is 2.5 years old and has had the fourth pneumonia. Once in hospital with RS virus. And she has frequent infections (scarlet fever, bronchitis), 11kg/100cm.
The pediatrician is of the opinion, that a sweat test would not be necessary due to the lack of severity of the symptoms.
There are no findings genetically, as our child is adopted.
Shall we make a sweat test or not?
Best regards,
your report, that your adopted daughter, who is 2.5 years old, has already had 3 pneumonias. Once in case of a classical viral pneumonia, she had to stay in hospital. Your daughter weighs 11 kg at a height of 100cm. The pediatrician seems not to see the necessity of having a sweat test done due to the lack of severity of symptoms.
You now want to know, if you should have a sweat test done.
It can be said on the the physical status of your daughter, if the values are right, your daughter is very tall and slim for her age.
On the pulmonal symptoms it can be said, that the number of 3 pneumonias for a child of her age is very high, if one takes into account, that additionally she has had lighter episodes of bronchitis.
If the first pneumonia was due to RSV infection, it can be, that the bronchial system of your daughter is a bit more susecptible for new infections. As specialists for CF, however, we recommend in such a situation to have a sweat test done for clarification, as CF is in only 80% of cases accompanied by pancreatic insufficiency.
We wish your and your daughter, that the sweat test will come out to be normal.
Best regards,
Dr. H.-G. Posselt