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What are the alternatives for patients when follow up becomes too "complicated" in a CF Centre?
What do you recommend ?
Thank you

Cystic fibrosis is a rare disease whose management can actually cause problems because of its complexity, its chronicity, the constraints associated with its treatment and the difficulties of integrating these constraints into everyday life.

The creation and qualification of the CF Specialized Centres (CRCM) in France has been an important step in improving care: it has contributed to the important progress that has marked the evolution of the disease in recent decades because it has brought together resources for the organization and coordination of care.

Concerning the solutions to consider, I can only suggest that you talk freely first with the team of your CRCM to consider another way of follow up within your current CRCM or even another CRCM. You can also contact the association Vaincre la Mucoviscidose to discuss with a representative of its medical department or with a member of the patient council (tel: 01 40 78 91 91).

Wishing you will find quickly the best suited solution.
Best wishes
Gilles RAULT, MD, Roscoff CF Center