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Family and transplantation

Dear expert team,
my husband is just before coming on the lung transplanatation list. We have 2 children (2 and 6 years old). WE have been told, that he cannot come home after transplantation and cannot have contact to his children. I doubt this. What is your opinion?
Best regards,
C. M.
Dear Mrs. M.,
I never heard about a statement, that a lung transplanted patient should not have any contact to his children! It is true, that people after Tx are immuno-suppressed and can acquire in infection more easily. Therefore it is recommended, to protect oneself especially against infections. In case of small children, they can have infections quite often, so that if little children are in the household and have an acute infection (this is also true for other inhabitants of the household) , special hygienic measures are recommenden for the transplanted person. E.g. no hugs, not carrying the children on the arm, not to sleep with them in one bed etx.
I recommend to contact the transplant center with this question directly, to get information from the first hand.
Best regards,
Dr. med. Christina Smaczny