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Dear expert team,
I am male and 29 years old. At the moment, I concern myself about the thought of a child. Could you tell me how the chances are and if it is possible for a male to have children, as they say that men with CF are in general sterile.
How is the procedure passing with in-vitro fertilization? Do you have possibly some more information for me?
Many thanks and best regards
there are already some questions dealing with that topic here in the expert advice; if you go to the topic "reproduction", you can see the answers.
In deed the spermatic ducts are mostly impassable in CF patients, so that there are no sperms in the ejaculat. The testicle, however, can even in CF produce totally normal and functioning sperms, they only can just not come out (in most cases) and therefore not lead to a fertilization. However, one can with the help of an needle (puncture) gain the sperms and these can be used for a fertilization of the egg of the women (or in the test tube).
You see that sound very complicated and should for sure be clarified further in a personal conversation - typically this is than a conversation with both partners.
It is important to know, that as an exception there is fertility likewise in CF-men, so that the abandonment of a safe contraception can not be recommended in general.
Yours sincerely,
Prof. Dr. TOF Wagner