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Transplantation of the lung

Dear expert team,
probably I made my former question too short: my son has a positive finding of a chronic colonization with Pseudomonas in the paranasal sinuses. Half a year ago, the new lungs have been transplanted. My child is doing fine. However, how big is the danger of the transplanted lung getting infected with the Pseudomonas? Is the course of the illness the same as with a "normal " CF lung?
Many thanks for your answer.
it is not unusual that in CF patients Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) can be chronically detected. That is also the reason for recolonization with Pseudomonas aeruginoas in the lower airways after lung transplantation. Unfortunately, this happens in most cases. However, as the transplanted lungs do not have the genetic defect specific for CF (not such massive mucus production), the course of a PA-infection is comparable to infections in "non-CF lungs".
I hope to have helped you further with this answer and stay with best regards,
Yours Dr. C. Smaczny