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Lung disease?

Good afternoon, I need very much answer to my question, since I am about to be madden due to thinking and searching for the information…nearly one year ago I started with phlegm, episodically I expectorated sputum of different kind, 3-6 times per day approximately with volume of dinner spoon, sometimes green sometimes yellow, sometimes white, and sometimes green sputum…I was examined by tuberculosis specialists, ENT, family physician, examined my sputum, X-ray examination of the chest and facial sinuses, but no pathology was found, except swollen nasal mucosa and enhanced X-ray. I should add that I have allergic asthma and rhinitis, however now is remission of rhinitis, I just sneeze and I am snotty-nosed on morning time yet? I used Amoxicillinum six days, but not help too…maybe I have less sputum, however than I stopped all the same…maybe I have COPD, but I have no breathlessness…or may be I have no breathlessness because I use seretide? Overall I am quite well, but phlegm very exhausted me, it often passes me into uncomfortable circumstances especially than I have to speak with auditorium…but my voice is stuttered or mouth is full of phlegm nor to swallow nor to expectorate: (is it mycoplasma? maybe I have examined it? Or maybe it is due to seretide since lungs are always dilated? (I use 25/50 one inhalation two times per day) I can not sleep per nights due to anxiety what is with me…I am 24 years old. No smoke no drink alcohol at all. Thank you for help…
Dear questioner,
Thank you for question. Yours indicated symptom phlegm may be related to asthma and rhinitis. In rare cases it may be due to lung disease named bronchiectasis or disease named gastroesophageal reflux. It is unlikely that you have COPD as you are non-smokier, quite young and have no breathlessness.
Mycoplasma is usual microorganism founded in the upper airways, but is very unlikely that it is reason of yours problem which is about of one year in duration.
From yours question is clear that you have not been consulate by pulmonologist yet. I recommend you to ask consultation for local pulmonologist and discuss with she/he about necessity of the additional examinations such as lung computed tomography scanning, extended respiratory function testing, examination for possible gastroesophageal reflux disease, and other.
Yours respectfully,
Assoc. prof. Edvardas Danila
