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Increased amount of sputum and weakness

I (female, 31) have CF (Pseudomonas colonized) and since some time Aspergillus and the MRSA. For about the last 2 months I cough more and also have much more sputum. I realize also when coughing, that there is more in the lung. Due to the frequent and exhausting coughing I am often very weak and tired. My capability is (compared to my normal circumstances) not as it had been. It has however changed only slightly up to now, but I am very concerned in spite of it. What can be the reasons and what can I do against it? My last lung function (about 3 weeks ago) had been however still o.k., in spite of the fact that I did not feel well either at that time.
in your question very many special aspects of a possible illness of the lung in Cystic Fibrosis are mentioned.
In general there is the recommendation, that patients with a chronic, means permanent colonization with Pseudomonas aeruginosa should implement a permanent inhalation with a pseudomonas-effective antibiotic drug. Furthermore there is the recommendation, that in such patients a pseudomonas-effective i.v. antibiotic therapy should be implemented regularly (at least one time a year) as a rule with 2 different drugs over 2 weeks administrated into the vein.
It is the question now, if these measures have been implemented in your case already or are implemented permanently.
If this should be the case, the next step would be an on-going diagnostic at your CF-center in charge. Before making a detailed comment in the answer to your question about possible effects of the finding of MRSA and Aspergillus, I recommend to you to initiate the above mentioned steps.
I hope to have helped you further with this information
Yours sincerely,
Dr. med. W. Gleiber