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she does not have any chance

Our little girl is in hospital and and can not breathe without an oxygen mask and can not be treated . Every night she has crisis and she does not have air. Her mother is very upset. What can be done in these circumstances to be easier daughter? May be something to do? treatment no longer work. How can we help ?
Dear Sir / Mrs ,
We are very sorry for your little girl, unfortunately the information you provide are insufficient. If you accessed this site, we suspect that child has cystic fibrosis and is treated by a specialist in this issue. The doctor treating her knows all that history and the clinical therapy that will follow may. We can not make any treatment recomandation on this site and it is not correct, not knowing your child disease. Please contact us if you have any questions or if we can help you somehow. We wish your child much health.
Sincerely, Team Romania ECORN CF