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Dogs and CF

Dear expert team,
I live together with my girlfriend, am 31 years old and have CF in a very good condition.
My girlfried absolutely wants to get a dog. Are there any concerns about this? Is there a risk of infection for me? Which risks could there probably be?
Many thanks
Dear questioner,
thanks you for your question, which has been psoed similarly by other users. I have entered the search term "dog" under "SEARCH" (on the right of the screen) and I found some questions and answers, which does answer your question probably.
Partly it deals not only exclusively with dogs, but also in general about pets.
In addition, you could click on the keywords list "animals_pets" (also on the right of the screen) and find at least 6 questions and answers on that topic which could be of interest for you.

In case it still remains an open question after having looked at the old answers, you are very welcome to address to the expert team again.
Yours sincerely,
Anette Pfalz