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no stool for 5 days

What should I do with my 4 mo child because he had no stool for 5 days?
Because this is a site that addresses to CF patients we suppose that your child has this disease, the most correct attitude is going faster to the child's pediatrician.
The problem of not having stool for 5 days can be related to the CF disease as children with CF can suffer from a constipation e.g. because of an insufficient intake of fluids compared to a high loss of fluids via transpiration/sweat which can lead to a so-called Distal intestinal obstruction syndrome (DIOS). Another reason for a severe constipation in CF could be a too high dose of pancreatic enzymes.
Furthermore, the problem of not having stool could be related to many different diseases independent of having CF: such as a change in diet, diseases of the nerval cells of the bowel, anatomical changes in the anal region or the spinal cord, and many more. Finally, in a fully breast fed child, having stools every 5-7 days may still be normal.
As you see, it is not possible to make a diagnose over the internet, so we would urgently recommend to see your pediatrician/CF-specialist immediately.
If you have questions about cystic fibrosis, do not hesitate to contact us.
With respect,
Prof. Dr. Ioan Popa