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no subject - treatment of Ps. aeruginosa

For how long should be Pseudomonas treated if my daughter has it for the first time?
Hello, Pseudomonas aeruginosa causes rarely any respiratory problems within first capture. But aggressive and early treatment is necessary for eradication or to prolong for months or even years permanent, chronic infection which causes lung tissue damage. Most common treatment scheme used within first confirmed capture of P. aeruginosa is:
Start therapy with nebulised colistin BD (twice daily) for at least three months togehther with oral ciprofloxacine for three weeks (up to three months) regardless age. If eradication is not succesfull after three months, it is recommended to continue with nebulised colistin and add a two weeks course of a combination of two iv antibiotics.
An alternative of nebulised colistin is in a complient child tobramycin in a form for inhalation till cultures are negative.
Which therapy fits You the best is up to Your CF specialist decission who knowes Your daughter the best.
Best regards, Jitka Brazova
This is a often discussed topic - as mentioned in the answer, there are many schemes used by different countries and different centers. Other mentioned schemes in the literature are:
- only inhalative antibiotics (Colistin/Tobramycin) for 12 months (some centers recommend it for patients over 5 years, non-mukoid PsA, no clinical worsening and no high PsA anitbodies, otherwise they recommend i.v. therapy)
- i.v. treamtent for 14 days and ongoing inhalative treatment (Colistin/ Tobramycin) for varying time spaces like 2-12 months.
D. d'Alquen