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colloidal silver

Can colloidal silver be used in the fight of bacteria in case of CF and can it also be inhaled?
silver is investigated over centuries and has been used in infections - its toxical effects are mostly known. In mammals and plants it is only very few toxic, while it is very effective against bacteria. This effect is especially caused by the solved silver ions, which are seemingly delivered by the silver-nano-particles. Under experimental conditions the effect against the formation of biofilms of gram-negative organisms, like Pseudomonas aeruginosa, could be detected in several investigations with different preparations. In the animal experiment it could be shown recently in a study beside a row of mechanisms of action also a direct effect on parts of the cell (mitochondria), also, that inhaled silver particles could be found everywhere in the body after some time.
The usage in the medical field is limited to e.g. to the usage in the frame of the wound care in burns etc.
Intaken silver is uptaken by the gut, via the urinary tact and the skin and is stored by several organs and the skin.
In CF there is up to now few experience and single case reports with oral taken colloidal silver. Subjective improvements are described as well as discoloration of the skin.
In the animal experiment (mice) the inhalation led besides the deposition of silver-nano-particles in the lung to an anti-microbial effect against CF-relevant germs (P.aeruginosa).
At the moment there are still too few data available in vitro (in the laboratory) and in vivo (at the patient) for the usage of silver-preparations in CF. Biological effects and probable potential dangers can not be estimated. For the clinical usage there is at the moment no basis.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. H. Ellemunter