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Side-effects of the inhalation of hypertonic saline?

Dear CF-team,

I inhale 5.85% sodium-chloride solution (2x3ml per day). With that I realize, that more mucus is mobilized. My question: does hypertonic saline mobilize only more mucus or can the inhalation of hypertonic saline have also negative effects, that means increases the mucus production? In case the production of the mucus is not increased, how many ml per day is the permitted highest dosage according to your recommendation?

Best regards and many thanks in advance.
Dear questioner,

hypertonic saline (HS) helps mobilizing existing mucus, that means making it more fluid and therefore more easily removable. It does not produce any new mucus. Possible negative effects may be a narrowing of the bronchi due to a local irritation by HS. This is the reason, why a broncho-dilating drug (e.g. salbutamol) should be inhaled always before an inhalation of HS.
The tested dosages are between 5.85% and 7% (in the single case also 12% in studies without additional effect investigated). The most extended study used 2x4 ml 7% HS.

Best regards,
PD Dr. Manfred Ballmann
9.11.09 Please see additional information under "Topics"--"inhalation" --"hypertonic saline"
D. d'Alquen