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my son has CF, and there is one person with sarcoidosis among the people with whom he is in close and regular contact.

I am worried and scared that this contact constitutes a risk for my son. I hope you can calm me down.

What things do I possibly have to pay attention to in dealing with this person?


sarcoidosis is a multi-system disease. Apart from other organs, it particularly affects the lung, which is why people with sarcoidosis often cough, or cough slightly, or may have audible side noises when breathing. Environmental factors such as non-organic air particles or particles in metal-working professions, etc. are presumed to be the trigger factors, with a corresponding genetic predisposition. The precise cause is unknown, even though associations between the disease and possible triggers are described more and more frequently.

The disease itself is not contagious. If the diagnosis is certain, there is no risk involved for your son with CF in being in contact with that person.

Kind regards

Dr. H. Ellemnunter