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Swine flu

Currently there are many discussions about swine flu but what is really the right thing to do?
Would you get your daughter (15 months, CF) vaccinated with a clear conscience??????????
And what about the family members? The older sister (3 years), the parents (we)? Grandparents?
Or is the prevention after vaccination so high that it is sufficient to only get the daugher with CF vaccinated?
What would you recommend????
We are very confused due to our media.

Thank you for your answer, best regards, V. M.

[The original question was asked in German]

Dear Mrs M.,

The decision for or against the vaccination is also always a personal one.
The permanent vaccination commission (STIKO) [a committee at the Robert-Koch-Institute, affiliated to the German Government Health Authorities, which recommends vaccinations] in Berlin recommends in the “Epidemiologischen Bulletin” of 12th October 2009 to get persons from the age of six months vaccinated against influenza A if there is an increased health risk caused by an underlying disease as e.g. chronic respiratory diseases. This applies clearly to CF patients, and thus for your 15 months old daughter. The effects of a virus infection in general are different for persons with CF than persons without CF: the lower airways are affected more often and bacterial infections can be associated. The first evidence of germs such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa often happens after a viral infection. Therefore, the vaccination does make sense for CF patients.

Taking into consideration that frequency and severity of the courses seem to increase I would clearly recommend the vaccination against the new flu/swine flu for your daughter.
For family members of CF patients the vaccination against the new flu/swine flu and the saisonal flu are recommended. Additionally, the hygienic measures should be considered unconditionally.

Best regards,
Dr. H. Ellemunter