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Repetition of H1N1 vaccination
- Question
- My daughter (7 years old, CF) got her swine flu shot and tolerated it very well. Now I wonder whether she needs to be vaccinated a second time. I heard that children below the age of nine have to be vaccinated again. In our practice, however, they told us that this has not been answered conclusively and they would get back to us if a repeated vaccination is necessary. The first vaccination was one and a half weeks ago. If yes, what should be the time interval until the next vaccination, and what if it has already been too long? Would my daughter not have sufficient immunisation then?
- Answer
- Hello,
the question whether a second vaccination is necessary depends primarily on the vaccine. When using vaccines containing adjuvants, a second vaccination is not imperative; for those without adjuvants a second vaccination should be done after approximately 3 weeks. The decisive factor for a second vaccination is not the age of the children (e.g., up to 9 years) but the kind of vaccination that is used. The protection is sufficient when the vaccination is done according to schedule.
Kind regards
Dr. H. Ellemunter - 29.12.2009
- 29.12.09 (This information in mostly relevant for German citizens):
From the data of the 3.12.2009 on, the German Robert-Koch Institute revised its recommendation: for all age groups one vaccination with the adjuvant vaccine Pandemrix is sufficient: from the age of 6 months to 9 years half a dose is given; from the age of 10 years on a full dose is given. This recommendation was also published in the "Epidemiologisches Bulletin 50/2009" on the 15th of December 2009.
Before the beginning of december, children between 6 months and 9 years were given two half doses with an interval of three weeks of the adjuvant vaccine Pandemrix.
D. d'Alquen