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Phlegm production

Good afternoon. 1.5 month ago I had bronchitis and had 2 courses of antibiotics. However, I still have phlegm. And have back pain in the area of the lungs. 3 weeks ago examination of CRP showed 0. Is it possible that these symptoms are result of severe bronchitis and they will resolve spontaneously? Thank you for the answer.
Dear Questioner,
Thank you for your question. Cough with phlegm are very common in case of acute bronchitis. Usually they continue from several weeks up to 2 months and resolved spontaneously.
Back pain is not characteristic for acute bronchitis. Back pain is usually caused by inflammation of chest muscles or nerve radicles, spine changes and other reasons. Sometimes back pain may caused by inflammation of the lung and lung capsule (pleura), but it very unlikely without fever. I recommend applying to your doctor for examination, which will help to evaluate the reason of the back pain.

Yours respectfully,
Assoc. prof. Edvardas Danila