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Pseudomonas in liquid soap or moist toilet paper?

Is there information about the presence of Pseudomonas in liquid soap or moist toilet paper? However, a piece of soap which is nearly always moist, is even worse?
An how about moist toilet paper and moist paper for babies.

thanks, greetings V. M.
Dear Mrs. M.

indeed, Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been detected in soap. This indicates that this bacterium can also survive and multiply in liquid soap. you are perfectly correct if you say that moisture is important for the survival of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. However, the surivival conditions for this bacterium are much worse in most toilet paper and paper for babies due to the insufficient nutrients. therefore I would exclude the presence of P. aweruginosa in these cases.

Prof. Dr. Gerd Döring