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Pseudomonas inliquid soap


with regard to the title, I would like to ask you, whether it would make sense, to put the liquid soap in the refrigerator. How should we wash him? Without soap or shampoo?

And should we let the water run in the morning with hot or cold water for 2 min in the bathroom or the kitchen?

Thanks for the answer.

you should wash your son with soap and shampoo. The detection of Pseudomonas in soap does not mean that all soap pieces are always contaminated to 100%. Therefore I recommend that you keep using liquid soap and if you want to know whether your liquid soap is actually contaminated, I suggest that you ask for an investigation of Pseudomonas in your local CF centre. I do not recommend to put the soap in the refigerator.

Cold water is sufficient in the morning.

Sincerely yours

Prof. Gerd Döring