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Pseudomonas in liquid soap or moist toilet paper? II

Should we refrain from using liquid soap? Should we use a soap with disinfectant? Or should we use a piece of soap, although this would be also always moist? What is the best alternative? Does hand disinfection make sense in private homes, if there is no infection?
Dear questioner,

Liquid soap is for sure less contaminated than pieces of soap which you touch always. The detection of Pseudomonas in soap does not mean that all soap pieces are always contaminated to 100%. Therefore I recommend that you keep using liquid soap and if you want to know whether your liquid soap is actually contaminated, I suggest that you ask for an investigation of Pseudomnas in your local CF centre. Hand disinfection in private homes is necessary and useful if you have good reasons to believe that you might have contaminated yourself with Pseudomonas before. For instance after the toilet and hand washing in the case that you have informations that your toilet or the water faucet is contaminated with Pseudomonas. If you have no reason to believe this, I would refrain from using disinfectants.

Prof. Dr. Gerd Döring