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MRSA and other microorganisms in profession

Dear Expert team,
let me explain first that being a CF patient and social pedagogue I could work as a hospital social worker. My main task is to discuss with the patients that treatment courses are successfully carried out und that applications for cures etc are correctly filled out. My questions is: is there a danger for me to get infected in a hospital? Is infection dependent on the department structure in the clinic where I would work? What about MRSA? Does CF exclude working in a hospital at all?

Dear CF patient,

the microbial load in hospitals including MRSA is generally much higher than outside of hospitals and therefore you have a higher risk to get infected. Of course this is dependent on the departments in which you work. Although CF does not completely exclude working in hospitals, your working place should be rigurously chosen with regard to potential danger of infection. On the other hand, you should not become a danger to infect other patients and therefore you should not speak with patients who are susceptible to infections.

Your sincerely

Prof. Gerd Döring