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I have a few questions in the context of a scription I have to make on this subject and I hope you can help me.
[The questions are integrated in the answer]
1. How many base pares are present in the mRNA transcript of CFTR?
The mRNA consists of 6128 base pares. The gene codes for a 1480 amino acid protein.

2. The startcodon begins at position 133 (see CDS). The stopcodon ends at position 4575. You can see that the RNA code is not given but the DNA code. Of which strand ?
We always show the coding strand.

3. At CDS it is indicated where the stopcodon is but also where the stopcodon ends. What is the stopcodon for CFT?
The stopcodon is TAG.

4. How many exons contains the CFTR gen?
The gene has 27 exons.

5. Do exons always start and stop with a triplet ?
No , for example: the last 2 nucleotides of exon 1 and the first nucleotide of exon 2 also form a triplet.

6. Except for delta F-508, do other mutations occur in the same area? Which mutations ?
An example is the I507 deletion.

Kind regards,

Hans Gille
Medical center Amsterdam