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Eye cataract

Dear expert team,

I would like to know if there are other cases where a CF patient also developped an eye cataract for whatever reason (cortisone, IV therapy, etc.). I am 19 years old and I have had both lenses removed within the last half year; I received artificial lenses because the cataract had worsened that much. Now I would like to know if there are other CF patients with the same experience.

Best regards,
Dear questioner,

Thank you for your question.

We forwarded it to Prof. Dr. Thomas Kohnen from the ophthalmology department at the Universital Hospital in Frankfurt/Main [Germany] and received the following answer: “A cataract is not a typical secondary disease of CF. However, it can be promoted especially by a cortisone therapy. Then, the therapy is the removal of the clouded human lens and implantation of an artificial lens.”

Prof. Dr. TOF Wagner, head of the pulmonary department at the same hospital adds: „I am not aware of a case report (publication) about this topic for CF.“

We hope to have been helpful with these answers.

Best regards,
Annette Pfalz on behalf of ECORN-CF