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Blood in stool

Dear expert team,

Since three days my son has blood in the stool. He stopped taking ACC® (Acetylcystein) and almost does not eat anything in order to relieve the bowel. Do you think this is necessary?

Many thanks for your efforts.

blood in the stool is always a clinical sign that should be followed up. Dependant on the age of the patient and the underlying disease (CF?) there are different reasons for this. An exact anamnesis can set limits with regards to the reason. A specialist should be consulted at all events. Acetylcystein can lead to inflammation of the mucous membrane and irritation of the gastrointestinal area. It is possible that bleeding occurs in relation to the administration of Acetylcystein; this is the reason why it is often recommended as a first measure to stop the medication. However, it is indispensable to clarify the possible reasons. It is not necessary to reduce food supply.

Best regards,
Dr. Helmut Ellemunter