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Multiple sclerosis with CF

Dear expert team,

I am a female CF patient, 43 years old, and have been in a good general condition lately. After a sensation disturbance in the left side of my body (from hands to feet) the MRT showed old and new centers of inflammation in the brain.

Do you know of any patients who have CF and MS? [Translator's comment: a question geared specifically at German CF centers and doctors was omitted in the translation.]

Kind regards

the literature actually only has one confirmed report about a CF patient who was diagnosed with MS at age 22. However, I will circulate your question among European experts and extend my answer afterwards if I will get more information.

Kind regards
Prof. Dr. TOF Wagner
16.06.2010 addendum:
We have sent a mail to the experts of ECORN-CF and asked them about this topic. 100% of all experts, who took part in the survey (up to now 26) answered that they have never heard of such a case.
Annette Pfalz