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Cystic Fibrosis and pancreas

I just found out that I a am carrier of the disease. I have a 9 months old baby and I would like to know if there are any symptoms from which I can see if my baby has the disease?
Dear friend,
Since you are a carrier of the Cystic Fibrosis (CF) gene, in order for your 9 months old infant to have CF the father of the infant must be a carrier, too.
In the event that that the father is a carrier the possibilities are as follows: a) There is a 50% chance that your child will be a carrier of the gene, just like its parents, b) There is a 25% chance that the child will not carry the CF gene, that means it will not have inherited it from its parents and c) There is a 25% chance that the child will suffer from CF.
If you have given birth in a large G&O Hospital and the infant was subjected to the IRT (Immunoreactive Trypsinogen) test, which was negative, then the probability of your infant having CF is very, very small.
In Greece 70% of CF cases are diagnosed during the first year of the infant’s life based on characteristic symptoms, which are highly suspicious of CF, and which are:
Meconium ileus (intestinal blockage)
Bulky, foul smelling greasy stools and inability to gain weight despite satisfactory food intake
Permanent, persistent cough with bouts of dyspnoea or wheezing

Yours friendly,

Dr. Anna Katelari-Ioannidou