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Paternity and CF


In most articles about artificial insemination in CF it is written that methods used are in vitro fertilisation (IVF) or even more likely intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). What about intra-uterine insemination (IUI)? Is this method not feasible for men with CF?

Many thanks.

Generally speaking, the method would be possible. The injection of sperm into the uterus is usually done with ejaculate; this method has a very low success rate. However, - if ejaculate is available – it can be repeated several times, perhaps also after suitable preparation of the ejaculate.

If a substantial effort has to be made, though, to obtain sperm (punction of the epididymis and preparation of the seminal filaments) this is a procedure that one cannot and also might not want to repeat endlessly. And in such case one wants to use these “valuable” sperms in a way that promises the best possible success.

Best regards
Prof. Dr. TOF Wagner