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Fat and liver

My daughter is 4 years old and should take in additional fat with the food (butter, olive oil). At the moment, there is the suspicion that there is a change of the liver (outer form) and she gets tablets, which should accelerate the excretion of fat. For me this is a total contradiction, or not?
as you ask your question to our expert team, I assume that your daughter suffers from CF. In CF it is common, to do a high-fat nutrition. This is especially important, if the weight is probably to low in comparison to the heigth. In such a situation it is generally advised to accomplish the food with fat.
You mention a drug, that your daughter takes, which should reportedly accelerate the excretion of fat. I assume, that here it deals with the substance ursodeoxycholic acid. This drug is used in CF patients, in case changes of the liver can be detected in the laboratory parameters or in the ultrasound. Ursodeoxycolic acid changes the flow characteristics of the bile and protects the liver from damage. It does not lead to an accelerated excretion of fat. Here it could be probably a misunderstanding. A high-fat nutrition does not impair the liver as long as the dosage of the pancreatic enzymes is chosen right. In case I should not be right with the suspicion concerning the drug, please provide us with the proper name of the drug.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. H.-G. Posselt